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CHECKED - com.lahuca.botsentry.api.data.IPStatus
Value for when the IP is checked by the server, but no extra status is given.
CheckedIP - Class in com.lahuca.botsentry.api.data
CHECKING - com.lahuca.botsentry.api.data.IPStatus
Value for when the IP is still in queue to be requested to the servers.
checkIP(String) - Static method in class com.lahuca.botsentry.api.BotSentryAPI
Checks the string and returns true if the string is correctly written like IPv4.
clear() - Method in class com.lahuca.botsentry.api.BotSentryList
Clears this list fully asynchronously.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api
Main classes for the BotSentry API
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.data - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.data
Classes used by the API.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event
All BotSentry main event holders.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.bungee - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.bungee
Bungee platform BotSentry events.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.spigot - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.spigot
Spigot platform BotSentry events.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.sponge - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.sponge
Sponge platform BotSentry events.
com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.velocity - package com.lahuca.botsentry.api.event.velocity
Velocity platform BotSentry events.
contains(String, Consumer<Boolean>) - Method in class com.lahuca.botsentry.api.BotSentryList
Gives the contains value of the given IP in this list asynchronously.
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