DESCRIPTION | PARAMETERS | RETURN TYPE | REQUEST METHODS | Retrieve your server Whitelisted IPs amount | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getwlnumber | JSON SIMPLE | GET OR POST |
Retrieve your server Blacklisted IPs amount | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getblnumber | JSON SIMPLE | GET OR POST |
Retrieve the Global Whitelisted IPs amount | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getglwlnumber | JSON SIMPLE | GET OR POST |
Retrieve the Global Blacklisted IPs amount | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getglblnumber | JSON SIMPLE | GET OR POST |
Retrieve the Total Prevented bots in all Servers | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getpbnumber | JSON SIMPLE | GET OR POST |
Retrieve all the attacks that your server received and stats of each | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getattackslog | JSON ARRAY | GET OR POST |
Gives you an Image with your server's BotSentry statistics | apikey = {yourapikey}ip = {yourserveripandport}action = getimage | JPEG IMAGE | GET OR POST |