Interface SlowBotDisconnectEvent

All Superinterfaces:
BotSentryEvent, Cancellable
All Known Implementing Classes:
BungeeSlowBotDisconnectEvent, SpigotSlowBotDisconnectEvent, SpongeSlowBotDisconnectEvent, VelocitySlowBotDisconnectEvent

public interface SlowBotDisconnectEvent extends Cancellable, BotSentryEvent
Main event holder for the Slow Bot Disconnect Event. Event is passed when a detection method has detected a slow bot and is trying to kick or blacklist the bot. Cancelling this event will not blacklist or kick the player. Does not add the IP to the slowBots.json.
  • Method Details

    • getIP

      String getIP()
      Gives the IP that will be blacklisted or kicked.
      the ip where this event has effect on
    • isBlacklisting

      boolean isBlacklisting()
      Gives if the IP is supposed to be blacklisted or only be kicked.
      true if the IP will be blacklisted, false if the IP will be kicked only.
    • getDetectionMethod

      Gives the detection method that detected this slow bot.
      the detection method